Welcome to my search page! You can use anyone of the following search engines to search for information on the World Wide Web, all support BOOLEAN search protocols although only some support case sensitivity. If you'd like something more extensive then click on the icons to get to the main search page of each engine.

Disclaimer: None of these search sites and/or companies in any way endorses this site. I provide these search options merely as a public service and derive no gain, monetary or otherwise, from their use.

Excite is one of my favourite search engines!
Excite supports BOOLEAN operators, such as AND, OR, AND NOT. Additionally, if you would like specific variables included in your search results then add "+" to the front of the search entry. For example if you are looking for "pink hamsters" and you entered your search entry without using modifiers then all items with either pink or hamsters will be produced. If you had entered "+pink" AND "hamsters" then you'd get all items with "pink hamsters in them. There's a whole document on advance search protocols at EXCITE.

What :
Like many other aspects of the computer age, Yahoo! began as an idea, grew into a hobby and lately has turned into a full-time passion. The two developers of Yahoo!, David Filo and Jerry Yang, Ph.D. candidates in Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, started their guide in April 1994 as a way to keep track of their personal interests on the Internet. Before long they found that their home-brewed lists were becoming too long and unwieldy. Gradually they began to spend more and more time on Yahoo!. Read more about how came to be!


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Copyright © Dr Adrian Tan BDS 1997