How good do they look?

How good the composite veneers look in the end, depends on:

  • The accuracy of the colour match.
  • The type of composites used.
  • The dentist's skill level.
It's often hard to predict the end result as colour matching depends on the light levels in the surgery, and the skill level of the dentist is really quite hard to assess. Some dentists have portfolios of their work and you can always ask to see these. The two types of composites that seem to produce good quality aesthetics and are the ones I use are 3M's Z100 and Herculite XRV. But there are many different types out there.

As all of the work is done at the chairside, composite veneers often cost a great deal less and take fewer appointments than crowns. This makes them quite attractive to both the dentist and the patient!

How long do they last?

Composites are plastic and are far "softer" than porcelain or gold crowns. It is therefore reasonable to assume that they will undergo more wear and tear than crowns, as such they may have to be repaired and replaced more frequently - this is easily carried out at a relatively (compared to crowns!) low cost. This applies to both normal fillings, veneers anc crowns made of composite.

However, having said that, if you maintain good oral hygiene, attend for regular examinations, maintain your existing restorations and have a sensible diet, composite veneers can last you for many years. Anectdotal evidence suggests lifespans of up to 15 to 20 years for some composites.

How long does it take?

A set of six veneers, stretching from canine to canine, would take approximately 2 hours to place and would require a second appointment for a final polish.


Copyright © Dr Adrian Tan BDS 1997