Post Operative Issues
Once root canal treatment is completed, there may be a few complications that could occur:
- The tooth may discolour, turning greyish-black. This does not always happen. Do not be too concerned as this is not a disease process. It can pose aesthetic problems and you may want to consider having the tooth crowned.
- The tooth may fracture. The hole created to access the nerve can often be very large and this may weaken the tooth structure. Your dentist will advise you whether the tooth needs a crown.
- Reinfection. This may happen if the restoration leaks - usually due to decay due to poor or inadequate oral hygiene. The tooth may have to be retreated, or extracted if extensive decay is involved.
If the damage is minimal then it is usually a simple matter of replacing the filling or crowning the tooth. Occasionally, however, your dentist may seek to redo the root canal as this will give a far higher success rate.