Why Have A Root Canal?
The are a few reasons why root canal treatment rather than extraction should be considered.
If the tooth that is damaged is in the front and extraction will cause a defect in the smile. For many of us having a gap in our smile is unacceptable, as is the idea of wearing a denture. Even those of us with unsightly teeth may find the prospect of a missing tooth unbearable.
If a back tooth, or molar, is lost then there may be a significant loss of chewing ability. This will impact on the existing teeth as they have to bear more load, a common scenario is when a left molar is lost, all chewing then takes place on the right leading to loss of a right molar due to wear and tear or decay due to poor care and overuse!
It may be that the tooth requiring the root canal is one that is needed for as a support tooth for a bridge replacing other teeth! In which case saving the tooth may prove to be the only way a strong bridge may be placed.
Again, root canal treatment should not be entered into lightly as it requires a great commitment to keep your oral condition optimal and it also requires a high financial commitment.