Air Abrasion

Air abrasion dentistry. No drill, no noise, no vibration and most often, no injections. All fears of a visit to the dentist eliminated at once.

The technological advances in dental techniques and materials have led to an evolution in the philosophy of dental treatment, focused on prevention, early detection and minimally invasive treatment. This has led to the development of air abrasion and microdentistry.

Using a state-of-the-art, computer-controlled stream of air and powder, teeth can now be prepared without the use of the dental drill. Because of the way the particle stream abrades the tooth and decay, most people can be treated without the use of local anaesthetic.

This system is best suited to treating cavities in their early stages before decay has severely damaged the tooth. Quiet, delicate, comfortable, quicker, and only just enough to correct the problem, the tiny particle stream is very fine, meaning that the dentist has to use magnification to take advantage of the ability to prepare very small cavities and to help prevent the unnecessary removal of sound tooth structure, helping keep the tooth stronger and less likely to future fracturing, which is a problem associated conventional cavity designs.


Copyright © Dr Adrian Tan BDS 1997