What is MicroDentistry?One of all dentists' goals is to keep treatment and damage small. Patient demands for conservation of tooth structure with more aesthetic and less invasive techniques have given rise to the ever growing acceptance of MicroDentistry as a choice for small to medium sized cavities. MicroDentistry is the intervention in the decay process as early as possible, so that damage to the tooth can be minimized. This is done using decay detecting dyes and magnification to find the cavities, Air abrasion to minimally remove the decay, and modern, bonded tooth coloured materials to restore the tooth. Why wait until the cavity gets bigger? Imagine going to your doctor for a check-up and being told that there are early signs of skin cancer, and then being told that he will watch it until its gets bigger and is worth removing. Wouldn't you want it dealt to right away while it was tiny and easily treated?