How Long Will My Crown/Bridge Last?

Like many forms of treatment in dentistry, the longevity of crowns and bridges are the result of a number of factors.
  • Good Oral Hygiene
      By maintaining a clean mouth and by instituting a thorough oral hygiene regiment, your fillings and crowns/bridges will last much longer! Decay and gum diseaseare the major cause of tooth and restoration loss.
  • Being Sensible In What You Eat
      Take special care when eating especially hard foods, try not to crunch ice, break hard mints or sweets with your teeth. This will fracture normal uncrowned teeth much less restored teeth! Also avoid high sugar diets as this coupled with poor oral hygiene will usually lead to decay.
  • Protect Your Teeth
      Always wear a mouthguard when participating in sporting activities. I've had a patient who had to have the same crown replaced twice in a fortnight because of rugby! WEAR A MOUTHGUARD.
If you take good care of your teeth, both your natural teeth and your crowns and bridges will last you a long time. Most crowns/bridges have a lifespan of about 10-15 years. Longer if the crowns/bridges are made of gold. Porcelain tends to go a dull colour after many years in a moist environment.


Copyright © Dr Adrian Tan BDS 1997